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A Little Bit About Me...

   I'm just a simple girl, with a lot of interest and ideas. I love to quilt, paint, write, teach, hike, ride horses, explore new places and bless others. I grew up on a farm in a one stoplight town, with a menagerie of animals. And now I have a menagerie of children! Well, actually, I only have five, but when they all have friends over, I believe that counts as a menagerie! One of my passions is to educate my children. They do attend public schools, however, I take my roll as their mother and first educator very seriously. The Bible says "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Now, I'm not at all a very serious parent. I laugh and joke and make up more silly songs than any mother should, but I love to make my children laugh and smile. I strive to teach them God's Word, and His will. As I'm sharing with my children, what the Word has to say, I am often inspired to share the message with children, and men and women across this world. I'm learning how to blog, and I've written a few books, I just need to figure out this whole publishing thing.

   I am also a minimalist at heart. I remember a childhood dream of mine was to live in a mini-bus camper, and to travel the country with a few good quilts, dining for 2 and my Bible. I feel peaceful and centered when I have less things. And just recently I discovered "zero waste" living, and It sings to my soul. The Lord created and gifted us with this amazing planet, and I feel that we have taken this precious gift for granted. I now strive daily to make family and earth friendly choices as I go about my day. Some choices are very simple, while others lead to a challenge. However, I'm always up for a good, cause worthy challenge!    I have decided to share my personal journey with you, my trials, failures, successes, and everything in between. I believe together we can make a beautiful difference in this world. 

   So, I hope you stick around, bookmark my page, share it with your friends, and help me to grow in this ministry. I may post something scriptural like a word God has spoken to me; or maybe a helpful tip about getting your children out the door, or how to organize your silverware drawer ( I don't know); or a funny story about how I burnt my fingers with my hair dryer but couldn't manage to dry my hair... I guess you'll have to wait and see. I'm excited to get to know you, hear your input and share my story with you.

   God bless you!!


Anne Marie

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